The City Mattress Blog

Signs It's Time for a New Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide - City Mattress

Signs It's Time for a New Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide

A good night's sleep is invaluable, and your mattress plays a crucial role in ensuring you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated. Over time, however, even the highest-quality mattresses can wear...

Signs It's Time for a New Mattress: A Comprehensive Guide

Beat the Heat and Sleep Soundly: Introducing the new Beautyrest Black Mattresses - City Mattress

Beat the Heat and Sleep Soundly: Introducing the new Beautyrest Black Mattresses

As the scorching summer heat approaches, finding respite and comfort during the night becomes increasingly challenging. Tossing and turning, flipping pillows, and kicking off blankets—sound familiar? If you're nodding along,...

Beat the Heat and Sleep Soundly: Introducing the new Beautyrest Black Mattresses

Elevate Your Sleep Experience: The Transformative Power of an Adjustable Bed Base - City Mattress

Elevate Your Sleep Experience: The Transformative Power of an Adjustable Bed Base

For many of us, a good night's sleep feels like a distant dream. Back pain, snoring, difficulty getting comfortable - these are just a few of the sleep struggles that...

Elevate Your Sleep Experience: The Transformative Power of an Adjustable Bed Base

Breathe Easy and Sleep Cool: Refresh Your Bedding for Summer with CM Home Linens - City Mattress

Breathe Easy and Sleep Cool: Refresh Your Bedding for Summer with CM Home Linens

As the days grow longer and the sun climbs higher, it's time to shed the heavy layers and embrace the warm summer nights. But let's be honest, sometimes those balmy...

Breathe Easy and Sleep Cool: Refresh Your Bedding for Summer with CM Home Linens